Meet the Team

  • Young adult in a suit in front of Laurentian University School of Sports Administration backdrop.

    Adam Mutuchky


    3rd Year

  • Portrait of a person wearing a navy track jacket with 'Voyageurs Cross-Country Track & Field' logo, smiling at the camera.

    Seamus Doherty


    3rd Year

  • Young man in gray plaid suit and navy tie smiling against dark background

    Nicolas Lavigne


    2nd Year

  • Portrait of a person with long, wavy hair wearing a black shirt and necklace, against a gray background.

    Emma Godin


    2nd Year

  • Smiling person in a white dress shirt with a black tie against a dark background

    Aiden Dionne


    3rd Year

  • Smiling person with long blonde hair, wearing a light-colored top.

    Zoey Sauve


    2nd Year

  • Young person smiling, wearing earrings and a dark suit

    Shannon Ferguson

    2nd YEAR REP

    2nd Year

  • Person in a suit posing for a portrait against a plain background.

    Alec Maratos

    2nd YEAR REP

    2nd Year

  • Person in a dark suit and black shirt standing against a light background, smiling.

    Everett Rigney


    2nd Year

  • Person in formal attire standing in front of a blue background with Laurentian University School of Sports Administration logos.

    Josh Rieck

    1st YEAR REP

    1st Year

  • Person in formal attire standing in front of a Laurentian University School of Sports Administration backdrop.

    Brendan Rubin

    1st YEAR REP

    1st Year

Join the 2025-2026 team!

Are you a passionate student looking to get involved and make an impact? Then apply to be a member of the SPAD Student Council team!

To apply, please write a 200-word introduction/overview of why you believe you should be on the council, attach your headshot, and email it to


If you have any questions, message us!

Now accepting applications for SPAD Student Council 2025-2026, with Instagram handle @lu_spadcouncil on a blue and black background.

Your time to vote!

Take a minute to view the applications and rank them in the form bellow…


2023-2024 Student Council

President: Ethan Reynolds

Vice-President: Gabriella Moggy

Treasurer: Logan Waite

Secretary: Aidan Libby

Social Convener: Matthew Dubé

Social Convener: Jacob Rivet

SGA Rep: Tristan Serre

2nd Year Rep: Aiden Dionne

2nd Year Rep: Adam Mutuchky

2022-2023 Student Council

President: Mercedes Marlok

Vice-President: Matthew Dubé

Treasurer: Keenan Roy

Secretary: Gabriella Moggy

Social Convener: Darah Tremblay

Social Convener: Thomas Back

SGA Rep: Ben Baydock

2nd Year Rep: Tristan Serre

2nd Year Rep: Ethan Reynolds

2021-2022 Student Council

President: Janelle Utting

Vice-President: Colin Jones

Treasurer: Paisley Morrison

Secretary: Erik Kalnins

Social Convener: Emma Lelievre

Social Convener: Ryan Kennedy

SGA Rep: Ben Baydock

2nd Year Rep: Mercedes Marlok

2020-2021 Student Council

President: Cassandra Cowan

Vice-President: Justin Dineen

Treasurer: Madison Strods

Secretary: Mason Biswas

Social Convener: Nick Templin

Social Convener: Kyarra Hasmatali

SGA Rep: Jackson Kingshott

2nd Year Rep: Colin Jones

2nd Year Rep: Olivia Spagnoli